Kala Computer Class

Kala Computer Class in Bhiwandi

Digital Marketing In Bhiwandi

Computer Class in Bhiwandi

Computer Courses With Certificate



Duration Of Course: 3 Months

Exam: Online With Certificate 


GST Tally ERP9

Duration Of Course: 2 Months

Exam: Online With Certificate

Digital Marketing In Bhiwandi

Duration Of Course: 3 Months

Exam: Online With Certificate

Advance Excel

Duration Of Course: 1.5 Months

Exam: Online With Certificate


Web Designing

Duration Of Course: 3+ Months

Exam: Online With Certificate


Tally Prime

Duration Of Course: 2 Months

Exam: Online With Certificate

Computer Basic in Bhiwandi

Computer Basic

Duration Of Course: 2 Months

Exam: Online With Certificate


Duration Of Course: 4+ Months

Exam: Online With Certificate


Duration Of Course: 2.5 Months

Exam: Online With Certificate

Digital Marketing In Bhiwandi

search engine optimization, google, search engine-1521118.jpg

SEO Feature

Learn SEO in full details

with On & Off Page.

mobile phone, apps, marketing-5836879.jpg

Affiliate Marketing

Build your website and blogg for

affiliate marketing.

wordpress, blogging, blog-1288020.jpg


Build Professional website help with plugin and elementor.

seo digital marketing

Google Analytics

Manage your website traffics with google analytics.

Digital Marketing In Bhiwandi